So last night I settled down and watched it from beginning to end with no breaks. Ok, that's a lie. I got distracted several times. But as much as a film can, it pretty much held my attention. Mainly because it was rather good. Not exactly the feel good romp I was hoping for, having to watch the latest Family Guy to lift the mood back up, but it was good. Maybe not Oscar good, but I think it's been demonstrated already that what the Oscar people like (that's what they're called) and what I like are very different things.
The Reader sees Kate Winslet enter into a relationship (of the sexual kind) with a 15 year old boy. This should be uncomfortable to watch, but isn't, mainly because the actor playing him looks about 20 and they neglect to mention how old the character was until the end of the film. It's all a little bit odd though and Winslet's character remains downright strange throughout the film, which makes it a little bit difficult to side with her when things stop going her way. I don't want to say much more about the plot of the film, mainly because if you don't know anything about the story the twist in subject and atmosphere is much more interesting. Needless to say I began to enjoy the film much more once the sex stopped and the talking started.
Winslet's performance is worthy of note. As are all the members of the cast. But the whole film is a little over rated. It was good. It just wasn't that good. If you like talking, a world war 2 back story and your films a little bit arty then The Reader's for you. If you're on a bit of a downer and need cheering up, then steer clear...
And yes, I will be reviewing Watchmen. What a silly question.
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