Friday, 19 June 2009

A Little Bit of Everything...

I have no actual plan where this post is going. I just have the urge to write...

I'm rather excited about the Reading line-up for this year. Having counting just the bands that I'd go and see at their own gigs, I'm already on 14 bands. That's pretty good going when I'm not including the likes of Alexisonfire and Rise Against and such bands who I know I'll enjoy immensely but wouldn't pay to go and see in their own right. When it starts to work out that you're playing less than £10 a band, you're doing pretty well...

I'm intending to go and see Transformers: Revenge of the Fallen or whatever it's called this week after reviews from my friends have been overly positive. I shall write a decent review of it for sure as I don't feel like I've done a good one for a while. That's what comes from working for no money. Free time really does have to become free time...

At the risk of no-one being interested... Several teams announced their intention to disband from F1 today because of a limit on the amount of money they spend. I can see the point of the limit in the current climate but F1 is meant to be this over-the-top super race, and I can understand the complaint behind the decision.The thing is, if the eight teams planning to leave do so, then it won't really be F1 any more... If Ferrari and McLaren leave then the big guns are gone. With them go Hamilton, Raikkonen, Massa and others will be leaving, namely Button and Vettel, my two personal favourites. Don't ask me why I like Vettel, it's probably the underdog thing, and there's something about the Red Bull team that attracts me...

So those are my wandering thoughts of the week... I'm trying to avoid mentioning gaming as it seems to dominate my blog slightly, but inFamous is still keeping me quite entertained. I don't feel I've said everything I want to about it yet. Maybe another post next week.

Until then, have a good weekend everyone!

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