But then last Christmas, I was recovering from over-eating and over-drinking and over-everything and settled dwon to watch David Tennant's final appearance as The Doctor. This was nothing to do with an interest in Doctor Who. It was more my love of Mr. Tennant and his personal attachment to the franchise that spurred me into watching. Also because it was less effort that moving from the sofa.
I'll be honest, I didn't have a clue what was going on. Unsurprising really, now that I have grasped the depth Doctor Who goes into concerning it's plots. But as Tennant's Doctor finally gasped 'I don't want to go!' and was replaced by a wild-haired and eccentric Hoxton kid, something clicked. Doctor Who wasn't the rubbish I had always presumed. It was emotional, human and exciting. If only I knew what on earth was happening.

So I jumped on board with Matt Smith. I'm sure purists will berate me for it, but I love him. I'm a completest, so as soon as I realised I was enjoying it, I grabbed Season One (Christopher Eccleston) and began to watch that as well. My plan is to work my way through and catch up with myself. I'm particulatly looking forward to Torchwood as well. I even watched the 1996 Television film, starring Paul McGann as the eigth incarnation of The Doctor. I get slightly obsessed with the mythology of things like this... But I'm pretty sure Matt's going to be my favourite. Why? Because bow ties are cool...
Last night, I watched episode 12 of Matt's season. I'll be blunt. It was the best TV I've ever watched. I'm not claiming that if you watch the episode in it's own right you'd agree, but I imagine most who have invested themselves in the new season and enjoyed it as much as I have (which has been thoroughly) will agree that it was pretty epic watching. It was epic. It's the only word to use. (Spoiler alert!) To end the universe at the end of an episode, lock The Doctor in an unescapable prison, blow-up the Tardis, 'kill' his side-kick, and then leave us on a 'To Be Continued' screen was pure genius. Twice this month I've been desperate to see the next episode of a series. At least unlike Stargate Universe, I only have to wait until next Saturday for this.
So there you have it. I'm a convert. British television is general weak and uninspired. But occasionally they come out with a gem. This is the shiniest one of them all...
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