Literally... I'm in an internet cafe and have ten minutes left and haven't finished everything I wanted to. But I wanted... Comment... On something.
The latest 50 Cent game has just been released. I'm a big believer in never judging a book by its cover, but in this case I'm going to break my rule merely because I'll get to play it. Unless I stumble upon a copy in the street or my old hip-it-ee-hop housemate goes mad, comes into some money and buys it. But it's not the quality of the game I want to comment about. It's the type of people that play it. Put it this way, 50 Cent leapt into the X-box chart in the top ten. Taking a glance at the Playstation 3 chart and it's nowhere to be seen...
I'm not making a comment about all X-box owners. I know a fair few and they're all lovely people. It's just unfortunate that the X-box attracts (and thank God the PS3 repels) the sort of idiots that rush out to buy this game. The sort of idiots that try to buy it off of someone and when refused because they look about 12, kick off and become abusive. Needless to say he had very little hair, was followed by his 'posse' and spoke like he'd been taught in the Carribean. Which is fine, but not when you're a skinny white kid from Sutton.
Excuse my rant, I just feel bad for my good friends who own the same console as the morons that play this game. Come join us over at PS3 my friends. We may not have as many games, but we do have some class.
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