Ok. It may not be a day after my last post as originally stated, but I did promise and I never break a promise. Except for that one time...
X-men Origins: Wolverine was a perfectly average film. It pretty much did what I expected it to. Which was take my beloved characters, tease me for an hour or so with the excitement and then shoot them in the skull. Quite literally. The game, on the other hand, is a different entity...
Games based directly on a movie and released at the same time to really squeeze every last drop of money out of a franchise generally don't tend to be very good. Come to think of it, films of games never seem to be very good either. Before Wolverine I would have campaigned for games to stay games and films to stay films. But it's changed my mind.
It's badly acted, the graphics vary from thoroughly impressive to out-right dodgy and it's hack and slash all the way... Which would normally turn me off completely, I hate the Devil May Crys of this world.
But there's just something so entertaining about the way Wolverine goes about it. You can spend the game mashing the square and triangle buttons (that's the X and Y buttons I believe for you X-box facists)... Or, you could spend your time throwing your enemies into protuding spikes. Or slamming them onto them. Or off of cliffs. Or into fire. Or into each other. See where I'm going with this?
The variation in the killing is immense. It sounds sick I know and we really shouldn't get a kick out of literally tearing people to pieces, but hell, it's a comic book. Just don't let your kids play it. There is however one area in which the game is redicuously unvaried and that's when you fight anything bigger than a large human...
Any of the giant enemies in the game can easily be defeated in one way. You can just hack at them, but dodging their attacks and then leaping onto their back, slashing them up a little and jumping off before they hit you seems to work a little better. And then you tear their head off. This all sounds fun, but trying doing it about twenty times and it grows tiresome...
So that's Wolverine's downfull. It's a one play though game. If there were ever a game to rent and not buy, this would be it. It's about ten hours long and I had no urge at all to play it through again. I watched the last cut scene, enjoyed it and took the game out and it's never entered my Playstation since.
But for any fan of the X-men, this game really is a must for two reasons:
1 - About half way through you unlock Wolverine's classic costume and
2 - You fight a sentinal. A f***ing sentinal!!!
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