Monday, 8 June 2009

Shocking, Positively Shocking...

So I've been a good boy. A good friend bought me Bioshock for my birthday. A rather nice thing to do as I was going to buy it anyway. At the same time I also happen to get inFamous, so I've been jumping between the two. But that's not the reason why I've been good. I've been good because I didn't look at the trophies before I started playing. Or after I started for that matter. I've made sure I'm playing the games for the game, not for shiney things.

But anyway. Rather than talking about trophies, I should really talk about one of the games... Let's go for inFamous...

I wasn't sure whether to expect inFamous to be good or not. Electric powers don't excite me but the idea of free-roaming superhero games do. What I had seen looked good, but the demo didn't spark my interest (yes, the pun was deliberate and awesome).

It turns out however that it's rather a good game. Not the masterpiece some people are claiming it to be, but still very good. Cole's powers evolve nicely throughout the game, which which prevents a potentially repetative game becoming dull. Hmmm... Is that the time... I actually have to run...

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