Friday, 21 August 2009

I'm Just an Old Killer, Hired To Do Some Wetwork...

Yesterday a demo was released on the Playstation Network that got me excited. Not as excited as if someone had told me Spider-man existed, but excited none-the-less...

There's a new PSN game coing called WET. As in Wetwork. As in killing people for money. And it stars some girl who realised The Matrix was a cool thing despite what the second two films suggest. It's possibly the most fun I've had playing a computer game since I laid my hands on Wolverine (now that just sounds dodgy... Or dangerous... I'm not sure which...)

Running up walls, sliding along the ground, jumping through the air. Rubi (I'm pretty sure that was her name) can do all these things. And what's more, when you pullt he trigger, everything magically goes into slow motion. I know it's cliched, but hell, it's so much fun!

The game really grabbed me during an interveining section where Rubi's face gets splattered in blood and, to be blunt, she goes bloody nuts. The graphics suddenly turn into the Reservior Dogs poster, punk music kicks in and I didn't stop grinning until I reached the end of a lovely long corridor, now littered in bodies. I'm even tempted to go back and play the demo just for that bit. And for me to play a demo twice, it must be good.

WET's out on the 18th of September, just to add to the pile of games that I can't afford out at that time. I think I need to put names in a hat...

Oh. I forgot to mention. She also has a sword.

1 comment:

Steve Mantell said...

Heh, I got a very good
impression as well. It, like wolverine, will get a terrible reveiw, but it was fun. I hope it varies a little more, as it very much reminded me of john woo: stranglehold, but hopefully won't turn out as shallow. Lets hope for good things. I loved wallrunning up a goon and gunning him in the face :-D, fun memorable moments all over!