It's been a while, mainly because life has been hectic and unpredictable.
Since my last post I have discovered several things:
Neil Gaiman is a genius. I knew this already, but it was confirmed when I read Fragile Things, a collection of his short stories. There are tales in there that shall remain stuck in my head for years to come. This may not be a good thing...
I have realised that there's a huge pile of classic films I haven't yet managed to see. Bladerunner and Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas spring to mind. This must
be rectified.
But mainly I have discovered that Lord of the Rings Conquest just isn't a very good game. Despite being a Lord of the Rings title, I didn't grab it as soon as it was released, mainly because I checked out the demo and just didn't grab me. Which was a shame because I'm a big fan and had particularly enjoyed the LOTR titles on the PS2. A week or so ago a strange thing occured. I ran out of games to play. I had polished off Bioshock (I shall review that tomorrow) and Batman: Arkham Asylum doesn't arrive until the 28th of August. Wait. That's in 8 days. Awesome.
So anyway, I needed to find something to fill in the gap. It appeared the choice was LOTR or Watchmen and I knew from playing the demos that they were p
otentially as bad as each other. So the choice was made simply because LOTR was just that little bit cheaper. And there's a reason for the price...
Don't get me wrong. As a big fan of the books and films, the game is enjoyable to play. Especially when a 'what if' style mode is unlocked after the main story showing what could have happened if Sauron had managed to get the ring. The game-play itself however is repetative and simplistic. It's Dynasty Warriors without the smooth controls and over-t
he-top powers. On top of that, simple enemies (mainly the warriors) can be infuriatingly difficult to kill. It's not an easy game at times.
And don't get me started on the online mode. Just don't...
So definitelly just for fans. Very big fans...

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