Thursday, 3 December 2009

This Is War...

I'm going to write this review from behind the sofa. Not because a scary deamon's after me (but I'll get onto the brilliance of Paranormal Activity in my next post) but I get the impression that actually praising 30 Seconds to Mars might evoke a slight reaction in certain members of the population. Maybe a bomb shelter might be more appropriate...

30 Seconds to Mars are a band I've often overlooked. Maybe it's something to do with Mr Jared Leto (Actor turned musician or the other way round? Debate...) I've always quietly enjoyed the songs I've heard but never listened to an entire album. But then something possessed me and I decided to give new outing This Is War a chance.

It was possibly something to do with hearing the new single 'Kings and Queens' which I found up-lifting and reminiscent of my days listening to bands like Four Star Mary and I was pleased that the rest of the album has a similar vibe. There's a darkness to 30 Second To Mars' songs but there's definitely a light at the end of the tunnel. As with every band in the world at the moment, there's a nice electronic element to the songs (it's only a matter of time before the computers take over, I'm sure of it...) but the other device that Mr Leto seems intent on using is his children's choir that he seems to have aquired... They seem to join in every few songs, but although just a tad over-used, it's something that works.

I think my main reason for enjoying this album is the sounds that come through. I doubt it was a deliberate thing, but there are definite influences here. Classic rock bands like Bon Jovi sneak in with heavy, heavy Angels and Airwaves stylings thrown in. And then there's the amusing darkness of My Chemical Romance just to finish it off nicely. It's an album I can't help but enjoy. I'd apologise, but bugger it...

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