Monday, 4 January 2010

It's That Time of Year Again!

So we're half a week into January. Everyone's reluctantly settling back into their regular patterns and then the snow came...

But apparently Transport for London were prepared this time seeing as all the tubes still seem to be running. So it's off to work still for me! But before I go, my customary 'Best of the Year' post:

Album of 2009

I was thinking that this one was going to be very tricky as, off the top of my head, I couldn't think of an album that was worth raving about in 2009. My thoughts passed over The Prodigy's Invaders Must Die but despite being good, it wasn't that good...

One album that did almost get my vote though was In the Cold Wind We Smile by The Xcerts. They're a new favourite of mine and the album was probably my second favourite from 2009, but it was over-shadowed ever-so-slightly by this:

Thrice's new album is by far their best so far. I'd even go as far as to say it's better than the acclaimed The Alchemy Index. It's the perfect blend of their post-hardcore disjointed metal and lead-singer Dustin Kensrue's apparent obsession with folk and country. I adore ever moment of it and unfortunately it seems to be an album that's passed many people by, even some Thrice fans I know. Everyone go and listen to it now. And I don't mean just stick it on in the background. Actually give it some attention. You won't regret it.

Film of 2009

2009 was actually a ridiculously good year for films. I have to mention several, some for more unconventional reasons than others:

Avatar - Although the story wasn't completely original, it dragged me in and I couldn't help but fall in love with the world of Pandora. And the 3D really did bring a whole new dimension to the film. I left thinking ever film from now on should be using that technology and my opinion still hasn't changed...

Angels and Demons - You know what? It gets a mention because it surprised me. The Da Vinci Code was pretty average but this one really grabbed my attention and I enjoyed ever ridiculous moment. Ok, obviously it isn't anywhere near a contender for film of the year, but I feel it deserves a mention for the most surprisingly enjoyable film of '09.

Star Trek - Well this was the second most pleasing film that was adapted from previous subject material. And I really did enjoy it. I understand some people's dislike of it though...

Drag Me To Hell - Horror movie of the year. Was absolutely terrified the whole way through. Closely followed by the brilliant Paranormal Activity.

But there really could only be one film of 2009...

Worst Film of 2009

The International. Poor Clive Owen. What was he thinking when he read that script? 'What's thatyou say? Only one gun fight in a film that has a man holding a gun on the poster? Well that makes complete sense! Sign me up!'

Television of 2009

This one's more of a personal feeling rather than stepping back and looking at the over-all picture... Stargate Universe. I've never been interested in Stargate before and only watched the first episode of this because I was at a friend's after a heavy night and didn't have the energy to argue. And I was hooked from episode one. Unfortunately we have to wait until April '10 for the second instalment. Damn American television.

So that's all the time I have for today. Enjoy, discuss, and hopefully I'll finish with best book, comic and all that stuff tomorrow!

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