Monday 4 August 2008

How I Love the Irish...

They often say that a film has everything. Who ‘they’ are I’m really not sure. Maybe a group of small men who all speak as one and cast judgement upon all things. Well, for the moment I shall join those small men and claim that, In Bruges, really does have everything. Except wizards. And mythical creatures. But other than that it does have everything.

I know a few people who aren’t fans of Colin Farrell. But since Daredevil and his rather brilliant portrayal of Bullseye, Farrell has always been in my good books, so I’ll generally check out any film that he’s in as long as it looks half decent. The posters for In Bruges were following me around on the underground, so I decided to check it out at some point. And it was great. And so was he. And so were everyone else in the film.

Not wanting to ever give away the plot of a film, (by the way, Dumbledore dies in the next Harry Potter. There, I saved you three very dull hours. I’ll talk about that some more tomorrow…) a brief summary is that two assassins finish a job and get sent by their boss to Bruges (it’s in Belgium) to hide out. Or so we think. Go watch it. The plot isn’t fantastically original or weird (it’s no Truman Show in that sense), it’s just the characters and the setting that make it all so interesting. Just be warned, it’s definitely not a date film. Or a silly night in film. It’s a ‘I’m gonna sit in my room, maybe with a bowl of popcorn, and maybe with someone else who knows how to watch films and doesn’t chat or ask questions constantly, and watch it all the way through with no breaks, and possibly discuss it a little afterwards, but more likely just nod after and go ‘yeah, that was good’’ film. So enjoy. Oh. And if emotional Irish folk music makes you tearful, get the tissues ready. You’ll need them.


Unknown said...

Methinks it might be an idea to assume your blog'll have spoilers in and press ahead and talk about the film. As it is, you're limiting yourself to saying pretty much the same thing every time- "Actor X was really good, you'll enjoy Moment Y, overall it's pretty cool." All ahead full, damn the torpedoes and have a damn good chat about what In Bruges et al does, why it does it, how it does it, whether it does it well, if it's trying to say anything, and so on. Without much explanation, your T3-House is just you saying what you like!

Still need to finish watching In Bruges, actually.

Simon said...

So you're suggesting I have spoilers... But that'll ruin it for everyone! I actually didn't have much time to do a post today. Tomorrow won't be a review. Tomorrow shall be a ridiculing of the foul beast that is 'arry Potter.

Unknown said...


Yes, I am suggesting teh spoilerz! You should certainly make clear that you'll be containing spoilers, but if you don't actually talk about what's in the film/game/music/etc, then what is there to talk about? You might as well just have a list called Things I Liked/Didn't Like. I mean, all I came away with from your post today (which admittedly you didn't have much time to do, as you say) was that In Bruges was good and there's Irish music in it! How about remarking on specific moments that tickled your goat, like the midget, or the American tourists? How about looking for what the director's trying to do with the film? Is he making use of any themes, does he have an underlying message? Are there any worthwhile performances besides Farrell's, and if so, what are they?

Don't get the wrong idea, m'lad, I enjoy reading what you write. Am trying to provoke something a little deeper out of you, though! ;)